Woocommerce Product Categories Dropdown Menu
WooCommerce – Create a product categories dropdown list in a shortcode
Om een Shortcode te genereren voor Product Categories Dropdown Menu binnen Woocommerce kun je de onderstaande code invoegen in de functions.php file.
<?php /** * WooCommerce Extra Feature * -------------------------- * * Register a shortcode that creates a product categories dropdown list * * Use: [product_categories_dropdown orderby="title" count="0" hierarchical="0"] * */ add_shortcode( 'product_categories_dropdown', 'woo_product_categories_dropdown' ); function woo_product_categories_dropdown( $atts ) { extract(shortcode_atts(array( 'count' => '0', 'hierarchical' => '0', 'orderby' => '' ), $atts)); ob_start(); $c = $count; $h = $hierarchical; $o = ( isset( $orderby ) && $orderby != '' ) ? $orderby : 'order'; // Stuck with this until a fix for https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/13258 woocommerce_product_dropdown_categories( $c, $h, 0, $o ); ?> <script type='text/javascript'> /* <![CDATA[ */ var product_cat_dropdown = document.getElementById("dropdown_product_cat"); function onProductCatChange() { if ( product_cat_dropdown.options[product_cat_dropdown.selectedIndex].value !=='' ) { location.href = "<?php echo home_url(); ?>/?product_cat="+product_cat_dropdown.options[product_cat_dropdown.selectedIndex].value; } } product_cat_dropdown.onchange = onProductCatChange; /* ]]> */ </script> <?php return ob_get_clean(); }